This story was written for transgirl Candice. The pictures are of her, and she is beautiful in latex and with an American bra. She is a transgirl of 22 years. You can see the rest of the pictures on her site. Eh, with a happy ending. It is written from a man’s point of view. He meets a sexy woman, Candice.

I enter the café without too many expectations; I have been coming here for several years. I have got to know most of the people who come here, but sometimes a new face comes in. What bothers me then is that everyone looks at the new customer in such a way that they quickly leave, thinking they are not welcome. Sometimes I go to another café later in the evening with two or three other customers. This evening I want to have a drink and then go home, it has been a long time since I took a nice woman home with me.

Unfortunately, there are very few women in the café that I would like to spend an evening with. Two ladies always have my attention, but unfortunately, these women are married and will never accept advances from other men. It was very quiet in the café and I soon decided to leave. Outside I met another visitor who asked me to come with him to a new café. I decided to come along for a while. It is a nice café, the atmosphere is nice and relaxed, and you are not looked at as a stranger.

There are three nice women in the back and several groups of men and women in the middle. Three-quarters of the bar is occupied by men and women. I ordered water and walked quietly past the people. They all looked at me for a moment, then continued their conversation. By the time I got back to the bar, I had actually seen him. The door opened and a rather unremarkable woman entered, but there was something about her that changed my mind. I looked at her and followed her gaze, thinking that she, like me, was new here. With a face that wasn’t exactly beaming with joy, she came to stand next to me and ordered a beer.

Transgirl Candice was new here.

My eyes wander over her rather beautiful body, I notice that she follows my gaze, and I quickly look into her eyes. There is no interest or expression in them. I quickly search for words, trying to say something to get her attention. I say, “If I am not mistaken, are you like me, here for the first time? For a moment her eyes sweep around the room, lingering on a group of people, and then her dark eyes return to me. You’re right, I wanted something different, but I guess it’s like all the other bars here. What do you mean, I ask. Exactly what I say, it’s the same everywhere.

There are people who know each other and get along and don’t try to let a stranger in. And there are plenty of men everywhere who want to hit on a woman and get her into bed as soon as possible. I’m sorry if you think I want to do that too, of course, it’s true that men try to do that. And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t, except that I don’t want you in my bed as soon as possible. On the contrary, I think it would be very nice to get to know you and maybe do some fun things together, and then if it really clicks and we both want it, then maybe we can move on. A slightly different look has come into her eyes after my words, whether she actually believes me, I don’t know.

She takes a sip from her glass and puts it back on the bar, lost in thought. What makes you think I will answer that? She asks. I don’t know if you will, I can only hope so. Why I will like it very much is because there is a certain atmosphere around you. You are different from most women I have seen. Don’t think I’ve had a lot of women, I’m not the kind of guy who hits on a woman, takes her and then gets rid of her. My name is Tom, by the way. My name is Candice, you know how to capture me with your words. I may be a little mysterious to most men, but I think you like that. I really like it when a woman has a bit of mystery about her.

transgirl candice

Ordinary is so ordinary, can I offer you something to drink? What do you mean, ordinary is so ordinary? Make it water. I order two glasses of water and pay for them. Candice sits relaxed next to me, letting her eyes slide down my body. Nothing wrong with that, but I like it when a woman is a little different from the average woman. Most women you can read from A to Z, but I prefer a woman who is a different book. Maybe she has things that another woman does not have, fantasies, dreams, things she would like to try one day. As I said, a mysterious woman has my full attention.

She smiles at me, takes a big swig from her glass, slowly puts it back on the bar, and looks at me with bright eyes. Would you like to go to the cinema with me? There is a nice film in half an hour that I would really like to see. I would love to go with you, and I hope we can get to know each other a bit. A little later, she slides off the stool, I get up too, and we leave the café together. At the cinema, I bought two tickets and went in with Candice. At the toilets, she lets go of my hand and disappears into the toilet. Candice is a good-looking girl, not the prettiest, but she has a very nice and sometimes irresistible face.

Asian look, full lips, and firm hips. Love it.

An Asian look with a small nose with rather full lips, big dark eyes and medium-long black hair. Not too big breasts, firm hips, and a nice ass that is tight in her long latex pants. She also wears clothes that are not too flashy and a bit of make-up that gives her face a really mysterious look. Just a delicious girl. For a moment the scene from Full Metal Jacket flashes through my mind, fuck you long time, boom boom. Me so horny.

A little later she comes out smiling, takes my hand and we walk into the cinema together. It is not a film I really like, but to win this woman over, I am willing to do this. After the film, we have a drink and at one o’clock, Candice says she wants to go home. I take her home without any problems. At the door, I give her a kiss and then walk back to my car. I could sense that she did not know what to do at this point. I gave her my phone number and told her to call me if she wanted to get to know me better. Feeling slightly disappointed, I drive home; I would have liked to continue with her.

My gut feeling is that she will contact me next week. Smiling, I park my car and enter my flat. After watching some television, I go upstairs and five minutes later I am in a delicious dream. Wednesday evening my phone rings, I don’t know the number but I answer it. Immediately I hear Candice’s voice, after a casual chat she asks if I want to see her again this weekend. I immediately say that I would love to see her again. With a little hesitation, she invites me to her house. We agree that I will visit her in the afternoon and then we can see what we can do. I ask her if she has any ideas and suggest a nice dinner.

But I also tell her that she can prepare something delicious and that I would be happy to help. Smiling, she says goodbye and I feel good again, knowing that we are on the right track to getting to know each other better. During our conversation, I felt again that mysterious vibration in her words that makes you linger on her lips. The rest of the week I have little time to think about her due to the hustle and bustle of work, so on Friday I do some housework and make sure the fridge is stocked for the coming week. On Saturday morning I do the last things around the house and get the last groceries, then I go upstairs and get undressed, then into the bathroom.

The night before I shaved again, my cock is now nicely bald and everything around it is hairless. I also shaved my buttocks again, I like a woman to be clean-shaven and can’t leave it behind. I look at myself in the large mirror and then step under the running water, the shower taking a long time as I wash all over. Enjoying the hot water running over my body, I stand and dream in my head. After a while, I turn off the tap and grab a towel. As soon as I am dry, I go to my bedroom and sprinkle a little perfume over my body. Not too much, but just enough to get rid of any excess body odours for the evening. Just before the appointed time, I get into my car and drive to her place, very curious to see what she has planned for the coming evening.

Clean after a shower, let’s meet.

Ten minutes later I pulled up to her door and as I got out the door opened and I saw her standing there. She is wearing a dress that comes up to her knees, and the front of the dress is buttoned from bottom to top. The top four buttons are undone, revealing a bit of her breast. Her legs are covered in shiny nylon and she has on pumps with fairly high heels. Her hair is slightly up and she has made up her face a bit, giving her a very mysterious look. I look at her with my mouth half open and smile as she grabs my hand and pulls me towards her. I get a kiss on the cheek, then she leads me into the room.

My excitement quickly grows as I see her bum bouncing slightly. Once in the room, she tells me to just sit down anywhere and then goes into the kitchen. I looked around her living room with interest; there were plants and all sorts of figurines everywhere. In a cupboard I saw several pornographic figurines, some were of two women caressing each other. When I looked closer, I saw that one of the women had a cock.

My excitement was intense. I was startled by her voice asking me if I liked the dolls. I love them, Candice, there are lots of different ones and I like some of them best. Those four on the top shelf are really beautiful. Smiling, she puts the glasses on the table and sits down opposite me, and soon we are having a nice chat. Slowly the conversation turns to the figurines and what we are going to do this evening. At one point, she says that she would like to prepare dinner herself and that we can go out whenever we want. I ask if I can help her, and immediately I see that sparkling look again. When she said she would like me to help, the conversation slowly moved on.

But the figurines continue to attract my attention. Every time she leaves the room, I look at the figurines. In the next cupboard, I saw some photo albums, my curiosity was very strong, but I still stayed away from them. She was busy in the kitchen, I heard her get some things, get up and go into the kitchen. When I asked if I could do something, she gave me a chopping board and some onions to clean and chop. Then the mushrooms and some peppers. I worked with great pleasure. I did not notice that she was watching me all the time, her eyes shining as she followed every movement of my hands. A moment later, I had finished and turned to look at her. Her hands are covered in grease from preparing the meat, and for a moment I see another sparkle in her eyes.

Without saying anything, she kissed me.

Then, without saying anything, she kissed me and her lips were gone just as quickly. I have to put the chopped vegetables in a wok and fry them slowly. She continued with the meat and gave me some potatoes to peel. When I have done that, I have to cut them into small cubes and cook them gently for a while, every time I stand with my back to her, she looks at me with an excited expression. Dinner is almost ready, once the diced potatoes are done they need to cool for a while and then everything goes into the wok. Candice has used several different spices, none of which I know. At one point she bends down to pick something up and I gently run my fingers down her tight dress.

There was a brief moan and when she came back up she looked at me with her dark but excited eyes. If you do that again you will have to listen to me for the rest of the evening and do what I tell you to do. The choice is yours, Tom. Without her bending or doing anything, I caress her bottom again and her face changes. A possessive, excited look appears. I hope she means what she says, this is a woman I want to serve, I have never had this feeling with a woman before. The mystery still hangs around her, did I perhaps see some of that mystery in the cupboard?

She enters the room and sits down on the couch. I continue to eat for a while and then enter the room. As I sit down, she looks at me, her eyes full of doubt and fear, but also excitement. Tom, are you going to tell me why you are so different? Will you make me forget my innate fear? Candice, you don’t have to be afraid for me. I told you last week and on the phone this week, I will never make you do anything you don’t want to do. I will never hurt you or make you do anything you don’t want to do. You are a very beautiful woman and there is something about you that attracts me terribly, I don’t care what or how you are. I just want you to enjoy yourself if you give me the chance.

be my friend

I don’t know why I’m different, I can only tell you that I always think about the woman I’m with and not about myself. I can’t tell you anymore Candice, believe me or send me away. The choice is yours. She gets up and goes into the kitchen. When I enter the kitchen a moment later, I see tears rolling down her cheeks. I wipe the tears away with my finger and pull her to me, Candice puts her head on my shoulder and starts to cry quietly. I run my hand through her hair and down her back, and after a while, I feel her calming down. Then she looks up at me and gives me a kiss. I am so afraid that you will go away and never want to see me again. Why are you so kind to me? If you knew everything about me, you wouldn’t want to be.

Candice, I just said I don’t care what or who you are, I think you’re a beautiful woman and I really won’t run away. I think I know what I might see, but believe me, darling, if it is what I think, you will never lose me again, a dream girl. Suddenly, she presses her lips tightly against mine, a delicious and wet tongue kiss that lasts for a very long time. I caress her back and sometimes touch her bottom for a moment. Each time, a slight tremor goes through her beautiful body. Then she lets me go and looks at the counter, I pull her against me, give her another kiss and then let her go.

Girl, go freshen up, take a shower for my sake. I will continue with dinner, when you return the table will be set and we will enjoy a delicious meal together. We’ll see what happens after that, but know that everything is allowed, but nothing is compulsory. Things you don’t want, we won’t do, I told you last week that I want to take longer to get to know you. That journey is far from over, in my experience it is only just beginning. Now get out of the kitchen and get cleaned up, darling. She slowly turns around and I slap her bottom. For a moment she looks at me, startled, but when she sees that I am smiling and not doing anything to her, her expression changes. Smiling, she leaves the kitchen and I continue to eat, looking in various cupboards for the plates and utensils.

As I walked out into the hallway to go to the bathroom, I heard the water running from the shower upstairs. Smiling, I open the door to the toilet and let my urine flow into the bowl, the sound of the water splashing giving me a delicious feeling. When I came back into the room, I grabbed a photo album and flicked through it, all pictures of her with other people. Some are from holidays, others in the snow or on the coast. I put the album back and went to the kitchen. When dinner was almost ready, she came back into the room, wearing a short skirt. The skirt was halfway up her thighs and her legs were covered in dark, shiny nylon.

Over the skirt, she has on a blouse with the top buttons undone. I can just see the top of her dark blue bra. Her hair is still slightly up and the surrounding smell is amazing. I look at her for a moment and then compliment her. She turns on her pumps and I whistle softly for a moment. Then I go into the kitchen and make sure the food isn’t burning. In the room I let her sit on a chair and then put the wok with the food on the table. She enjoys it and looks at me, a different sparkle in her eyes. The food is delicious and a few times Candice compliments me on it. I laugh and say that it was her idea and that I only helped. After dinner, we wash up together and then I make coffee for us.

When I came into the room a little later with the coffee and put it on the table, she came and sat down next to me and leaned against me. Without saying anything, I put my arm around her and gently stroke her hair. Each time I feel her relax further. After coffee we watched TV for a while. Nothing interesting is on and it soon goes off, so she gets up and puts on a CD. When a slow song starts to play, she gets up and pulls me with her. In the middle of the room she pulls me against her and we slowly move to the music. As I feel her, I sense that she has made a decision, what it is I cannot say at the moment, but it all feels great. When it gets dark outside, she draws the curtains and gives me a long, intense tongue kiss.

I feel her hand caressing my leg and realise that this delicious situation is increasing my excitement. Her hand touches my crotch and I hear her moaning softly, doubt in her movement too. I grab her with my hand and press my lips firmly against hers, our tongues finding each other for a delicious tongue kiss, and my hand slides down her leg. Slowly I caress the delicious nylon and touch the edge of her skirt. For a moment I can feel that she doesn’t want me to, but then she relaxes and lets her legs slide apart.

My hand goes further up, caressing every bit of skin for a moment, through the side I feel panties, but also a bulge. Moaning lightly and enjoying it, I let my hand go over the bulge. When I put my hand inside her panties, she can’t hold back any longer. Her cock getting hard, she pulls up her skirt and lets herself fall backwards onto the couch. I put my face between her legs and pull her big hard cock out of her panties. Without thinking about anything else, I take her hard cock in my mouth and start licking and stroking it. My hand caresses her balls and when I push a finger deep into her ass she jerks up, pushes my head down, and cums gorgeously.

My mouth was full of her creamy stuff.

My mouth fills with her warm and creamy transgirl cum, each jet disappearing down my throat. As soon as her cock subsides in hardness, I come up and give her a long tongue kiss. With her arms around my neck, she holds me so tight I feel like she wants to break me in two. Her cum tastes delicious and I share the last bit with her. She lets go of me with a groan. I see that she wants to say something, but I put a finger over her mouth. My hand caresses her legs and slowly approaches her still semi-hard cock. I use my fingers to make it hard again. I see in her eyes that she wants to do something. I stand up and undress her, caressing every inch with my fingers.

She takes off her blouse to reveal her delicious breasts, a pair of beautiful nipples sticking out straight. She is a beautiful woman with a big cock between her legs. For a long time, I have dreamed of a woman with a cock and now my dream has come true. I can’t hold back and take her cock in my mouth again. She moans loudly as she enjoys my mouth, I feel her cock throbbing again and know it will not be long before she cums again. I fuck her in the ass with my finger, growling loudly and supporting her as she raises her legs. I hear her whispering for me to continue because she is coming again, suddenly my mouth fills for the second time. She was lying on the couch with her eyes closed, slowly her beautiful dark eyes opened and looked at me in love.

My fingers caress her body and sometimes I briefly touch her still-hard nipples. Candice comes up and presses her lips to mine, another long and intimate kiss. With her hands she caresses my body and pulls my clothes off, not caring that buttons fly off my blouse and my trousers make a ripping sound, she pulls all my clothes off my body. When the last piece is on the floor, she takes my hard cock in her mouth up to my balls. She caresses my cock with her tongue and the sight of her pleasure on her face is enough to bring me to an unprecedented violent orgasm. Every drop of my cum disappears down her throat, then she releases my cock and licks it completely clean. She slowly stands up and gives me a kiss.

Then she slides off the couch and pulls me behind her upstairs. On the stairs, I kiss her bottom and run my finger through her bottom. In the bathroom she turns on the tap and we step under the hot water together. She lubricates me completely with a sponge and runs a finger through my buttocks, when it reaches my hole she pushes it in. This hole is for me, Tom, I would love to fuck you. You are a delicious guy and I want to have you all the way but I also want to be all yours. I turn around and give her a kiss, using my hands and a sponge to soap her all over.

My fingers slide along her growing cock and through her balls to her starlet. You can have my hole, but this hole belongs to me. I don’t want you to let anyone else in here. I belong to you, you can do anything to me, but then you belong to me. With a long tongue kiss we say yes to each other and promise not to sleep with anyone else. Her cock is rock hard again, with a wicked smile she turns me over and pushes me forward. With her feet, she pushes my legs further apart and then all at once she pushes her throbbing cock up to her balls into my ass. It hurts and tears stream into my eyes. I try to relax as much as I can and as she starts to fuck me with gentle movements the pain quickly disappears and gives way to a great feeling. Soon I feel her cock throbbing violently and then her cum flows into my ass.

Now her cock quickly slides out of my ass, taking a nice amount of cum with it. We wash each other again and get out of the shower. In the bedroom, she gives me some clothes. She only has a few things for men, so she gives me a dress and a small pair of panties. She looks at me for a moment and smiles. I should shave your head completely bald, that dress would look much better on you. If you want to, darling, you can. You can do anything with me, I have told you before and I mean it. With shining eyes I get a kiss from her. We left the bedroom and before we went down the stairs, she turned around. Tom, I know what you said, I won’t forget it and I’m going to take advantage of it. Next weekend I will shave you all over and if I really want to we will go out as two girlfriends, seems great to see men wanting to hit on you”.

See her pictures and room. Candice is a transgirl webcam model, you can talk to her and discover this exciting woman.