Nice conversation with TS girl Nikki
Today a nice conversation with TS girl Nikki. She also appears as Mistress. You wouldn’t say it with her appearance, that’s soft and handsome. The glasses “finish” her face. Her nickname is “PrettyMistress“. She can also be seen without glasses on her personal page, dressed in a leopard pattern shirt. Like so many Asian people, she has a feminine face directly through the round shapes. But what is there with her stream going on this day.
Her timeout is far too short, after ten minutes her status changed while I’m logged in and thus have a username for her. It could be that her video stream had a limited capacity, with too many users you come in the waiting queue. If you visit her, I’m sure it’s going well. Ah TS girl, give me a few slaps on my ass, I was playing while watching your pictures…