What’s going on with Sammy?
What’s going on with Sammy? This handsome t-girl looks on her phone. At first you think she has a pair of crickets in her room. But that is not the case, but Sammy is gorgeous. A brunette with a soft voice. Unfortunately her microphone is not working properly. The camera is good as you can see.
Unfortunately, she has no time for us at the moment. Not even after a tip, Facebook is more important. But then why is she sitting in front of the webcam? Oh waits, there she is. She quickly scans the new chat messages, there are not so many. With 42 viewers and not so many followers, it’s not going that fast, ladyboy.
After ten minutes her top goes out and it is time for a “reset”. She logs out and in again. Thankfully, our new princess will be doing a lot better with our new princess!